Today I will be out shopping with Mother, Sister and BabyAzan. Will probably be out the whole day. Mother wants to go to SSF. Me and Sister wants to go to MidValley. BabyAzan he wants to go wherever I go as I provide food and drink for him :)
Mr. AKO will manage the Superheroes today, all the best to him (and all the best to me too, pray to GOD that the house will not be like tongkang pecah when I get home).
Mother and Sister will be here soon. I still have some washing to do.
I don't have anything to wear. All my nice clothes are a bit ketat. Furthermore have to wear something loose and comfy, easier to feed BabyAzan. Aiyooohh, just jeans and that black top which looks like a tent lah. Habis cerita, alah bukannya saya superstar pun takde orang nak tengok. He He.
Okay. Ta Ta For Now.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I may be biased...... but I don't think there is another girl in the whole wide world who is cuter than my sister!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Lampu Lip Lap & Ketupat Reben
Been trying to locate my ketupat shaped fairy lights. I know it's somewhere in THERE. In the store. Xcept now I couln't find it. Coz' the store resembles an Amazonian Jungle. There might be anacondas in there. It might be sitting on my ketupat lights. But I need the lights. Q, Ammar and Adam have been asking for it. It should be up by now as it's nearing Malam Tujuh Likur. Where could it be?
Now I also need to get hold of the Ketupat Reben of last year. Also somewhere in the store. Q have been asking for them.
"Mummy, where are the colourful ketupat? Where Mummy? We need to decorate the house with it as it's nearing Raya."
"Errr... ok Q. It's somewhere in the store. I will find it."
"Mummy, where are the ketupat lights? We need to put them up as it's nearing Raya, right?"
"Hmmnnn hmnnn. I will find it Q. Ada kat dalam store tu je."
Gosh. Daaaaayyyyyymmmmm! Last Raya, the ketupat lights and ketupat reben have been carefully wrapped and stored by my maid. Now she's no longer working for me. And I don't know where them ketupats are. Arrgghh...
Ok guys, if u don't hear from me for the next couple of days, u know the anaconda has gotten me. Alert the rescue team.
Now I also need to get hold of the Ketupat Reben of last year. Also somewhere in the store. Q have been asking for them.
"Mummy, where are the colourful ketupat? Where Mummy? We need to decorate the house with it as it's nearing Raya."
"Errr... ok Q. It's somewhere in the store. I will find it."
"Mummy, where are the ketupat lights? We need to put them up as it's nearing Raya, right?"
"Hmmnnn hmnnn. I will find it Q. Ada kat dalam store tu je."
Gosh. Daaaaayyyyyymmmmm! Last Raya, the ketupat lights and ketupat reben have been carefully wrapped and stored by my maid. Now she's no longer working for me. And I don't know where them ketupats are. Arrgghh...
Ok guys, if u don't hear from me for the next couple of days, u know the anaconda has gotten me. Alert the rescue team.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Ceritera Cinta
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
4 Pasang Baju Melayu
Yesterday I was out and about with my mom all day! Firstly in the morning, I had an appointment with the O&G at 9.30 am. Ahhhh, u might think I went to Dr. D as she helped delivered all my children but no. I went to see Dr. Cheah. Fyi, Dr. Cheah has a clinic in SS15 Subang Jaya and he is also available at Assunta Hospital PJ. Hey, what's the big deal then? The thing is, I DIDN'T make the appointment myself. My MOM made it for me. And Dr. Cheah was HER gynea, who helped delivered my younger brother Azmir and my younger sister Faridah! So, it felt kind of special. Before, he examined my mom. And now, ME!!
OH? What's that again? WHY I went to see him? Errr... let's just say it's for me to never having to go to the labour room again. Eh, rasa cam nak terbatuk pulak tekak ni *clears throat*
Okay then, after Dr. Cheah we went to Jalan Tar, KL. Specifically to the "BAK" shop to get Baju Melayu Raya for my Superheroes. I did no dilly-dallying whatsoever as I had to be fast! Went to the shop, looked at the rows of kiddies Baju Melayu. Ahhh, this year they used Shantung material for the baju as opposed to the cotton SB line of yesteryears. Ada maju. A certain green shade caught my eyes, asked the sales assistant to get it in 3 different sizes. DONE! I was hoping to get one for baby AZAN too, but not available.
I was not deterred though. Off we went to the PKNS complex in Shah Alam. From experience I can attest that anything needed for Raya I could always find here. Ah-hah - true enough! Ada Baju Melayu for Azan in the exact same shade of green but made from cotton! Yeaayyy! Perfect, because Azan would definitely be comfortable wearing it. Oh, got a Baju Kurung for me too, made from english cotton. As much as I wanted to get soft pink chiffon Baju Kurung with adorable little sparkly embellishment, I coudn't as it wouldn't be practical for me now. Ada anak kecik, mesti terkoyak musnah sama sekali, ataupun terkena muntah dan air liur... he he he.
Wanted to look look and see see some more but we were running out of time. Had to prepare or rather BUY some juadah berbuka puasa.Mom said next week sambung beli barang. Thank Allah, Azan was behaving almost angelic throughout the whole day being out and about.
Rasa cam nak tunjuk Baju Melayu dorang kat blog ni tapi..... wait for Raya lah okay guys? He he.
Oh pssstttt.. today is my Ayahanda's 63rd birthday so will berbuka at my parents' tonight. Yippeee!!!
OH? What's that again? WHY I went to see him? Errr... let's just say it's for me to never having to go to the labour room again. Eh, rasa cam nak terbatuk pulak tekak ni *clears throat*
Okay then, after Dr. Cheah we went to Jalan Tar, KL. Specifically to the "BAK" shop to get Baju Melayu Raya for my Superheroes. I did no dilly-dallying whatsoever as I had to be fast! Went to the shop, looked at the rows of kiddies Baju Melayu. Ahhh, this year they used Shantung material for the baju as opposed to the cotton SB line of yesteryears. Ada maju. A certain green shade caught my eyes, asked the sales assistant to get it in 3 different sizes. DONE! I was hoping to get one for baby AZAN too, but not available.
I was not deterred though. Off we went to the PKNS complex in Shah Alam. From experience I can attest that anything needed for Raya I could always find here. Ah-hah - true enough! Ada Baju Melayu for Azan in the exact same shade of green but made from cotton! Yeaayyy! Perfect, because Azan would definitely be comfortable wearing it. Oh, got a Baju Kurung for me too, made from english cotton. As much as I wanted to get soft pink chiffon Baju Kurung with adorable little sparkly embellishment, I coudn't as it wouldn't be practical for me now. Ada anak kecik, mesti terkoyak musnah sama sekali, ataupun terkena muntah dan air liur... he he he.
Wanted to look look and see see some more but we were running out of time. Had to prepare or rather BUY some juadah berbuka puasa.Mom said next week sambung beli barang. Thank Allah, Azan was behaving almost angelic throughout the whole day being out and about.
Rasa cam nak tunjuk Baju Melayu dorang kat blog ni tapi..... wait for Raya lah okay guys? He he.
Oh pssstttt.. today is my Ayahanda's 63rd birthday so will berbuka at my parents' tonight. Yippeee!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Heppi Berfday Ayahanda
Friday, September 12, 2008
Gettin' Ready
At the ripe old age of 33 (tee hee), Raya brings a whole new meaning. It's more for the kids, getting them ready for Raya is of utmost importance rather than focusing on myself (zaman dah berlalu - ye ke?). When I was a kid, Raya means new clothes (bestnyer), duit raya (best jugak), enjoying lemang ketupat rendang with family (the ultimate), seeking forgiveness (reflection time), mercun mercun mercun (bukan yg buat sendiri) and lots of posing in front of the camera! Raya means FUN FUN FUN! I want my kids to enjoy their Hari Raya as much as I had back then. For this year's Raya, we have yet to buy their Baju Melayu (we always buy them from a shop named 'BAK' in Jalan TAR), but Mr. AKO had bought them some new clothes from his trips to HK. It was the sales season in HK so he was happy! Managed to get discounts! Ini penting ya kawan-kawan kerana haruslah membuat budget coz anak ramai nih.. ha ha
Raya clothes for Baby Azan

For my Superheroes... aiyooo.. cam kedai baju la pulak..

Oh.. Apa ni? Untuk saya pun ada ke? Ish Ish.. Susah susah aje. Apa ni?

Yeayyyyy... Saya suka... Tima Kacih!

No baju Raya for Mummy and Daddy yet, that can wait lah. Hmmnnn...
Raya clothes for Baby Azan

For my Superheroes... aiyooo.. cam kedai baju la pulak..

Oh.. Apa ni? Untuk saya pun ada ke? Ish Ish.. Susah susah aje. Apa ni?

Yeayyyyy... Saya suka... Tima Kacih!

No baju Raya for Mummy and Daddy yet, that can wait lah. Hmmnnn...
My Cheekaboom
Boys' Toys
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Food Galore
Family First
Just finished washing up after sahur. Our bersahur session comprised of four persons. Namely Mr. AKO, my grandma, my eldest (Q), and yours truly. My son does not like to eat rice for sahur, he will take bread and Milo, his usual breakfast staple. Alhamdulillah, Q is able to fast without any problems. He was also not bothered when his younger bros eat and drink in front of him during the day. In school,during morning break and lunchtime, the teachers brought him and his fasting friends to the surau or the library.
Some people observed that it is easier to train girls to fast. But I cannot make any comparison lah, he he. Q started fasting when he was 5. It started off as half day fasting. I remembered he fasted whole day for 7 days then. When he was six, it grew to 19 days. This Ramadhan, hopefully the days will increase. For me, it's important to not push them, rather just encourage them. My Ammar who is 5 years old, is not ready to fast ("Mummy, saya tak boleh la puasa sebab saya kecik lagi nanti saya 7 years old saya puasa ok Mummy"), but everyday I will tell him about kelebihan berpuasa, kenapa kita berpuasa, and I am confident in due time he will want to fast just like his big brother.
Mr. AKO, as a bonus to Q, would bring him to the Bazaar Ramadhan every evening.
And me, so far I am able to still fully breastfeed Azan without any problems while fasting. Alhamdulillah. Okay peps, that's all for now, see ya next time ya!
Some people observed that it is easier to train girls to fast. But I cannot make any comparison lah, he he. Q started fasting when he was 5. It started off as half day fasting. I remembered he fasted whole day for 7 days then. When he was six, it grew to 19 days. This Ramadhan, hopefully the days will increase. For me, it's important to not push them, rather just encourage them. My Ammar who is 5 years old, is not ready to fast ("Mummy, saya tak boleh la puasa sebab saya kecik lagi nanti saya 7 years old saya puasa ok Mummy"), but everyday I will tell him about kelebihan berpuasa, kenapa kita berpuasa, and I am confident in due time he will want to fast just like his big brother.
Mr. AKO, as a bonus to Q, would bring him to the Bazaar Ramadhan every evening.
And me, so far I am able to still fully breastfeed Azan without any problems while fasting. Alhamdulillah. Okay peps, that's all for now, see ya next time ya!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Wishing U Well
My kakak ipar kesayangan (ah-ha, u cannot call me biased as I only have ONE kakak he) and her hubby is at this present time performing their Umrah. They went off on the first of Ramadhan and will be back after 2 weeks. Alhamdulillah, they are presented with this opportunity to perform the umrah in the holy month of Ramadhan. Hopefully everything's going great for them over there.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Run Forrest Run
This entry is not about Forrest Gump, it's not about any sporting events either. Rather, it's about running maidens... errkkk if u can call them that la... maidens sound like helpless young girls from the bygone area... my story is about my Runaway Maid. So it's more of a Running Bit** la okay... Pardon the colourful and very expressive word but I'm entitled to let off some steam in this blog kan?
My maid ran away after only 5 months of service. Left around sebelum subuh, abt 5 o'clock in the morning, my grandma deduced as she heard the back door creaked open at that hour but thought nothing of it (it was an unusual hour for the maid to start her day but well... grandma thought she terlebih rajin that particular morning).
An hour later, my grandma went up to my room and said, "Si Yatik dah takde, dia dah lari agaknya Dikwi". I blinked and blinked and blinked like a total idiot, tucked the blanket snugly around my baby, went down and went to the back of the house. The door to the drying area was open, and the back door's padlock was unlocked - confirming that my grandma's words were true. I am maidless... again. Second time this year, and I wept. I cursed. And wept again.
Mr. AKO was not around at that time, still in HK.
Being maidless when u have 3 young boys and a baby is no joke. I am near to collapsing at the end of each day. Sangat memenatkan fizikal dan mental.
Apa lagi yang dapat dikatakan, terpaksa uruskan pengambilan pembantu yang baru. Ia akan memakan masa.
In the meantime, pray for me okay.
Oh and, Happy Ramadhan.
My maid ran away after only 5 months of service. Left around sebelum subuh, abt 5 o'clock in the morning, my grandma deduced as she heard the back door creaked open at that hour but thought nothing of it (it was an unusual hour for the maid to start her day but well... grandma thought she terlebih rajin that particular morning).
An hour later, my grandma went up to my room and said, "Si Yatik dah takde, dia dah lari agaknya Dikwi". I blinked and blinked and blinked like a total idiot, tucked the blanket snugly around my baby, went down and went to the back of the house. The door to the drying area was open, and the back door's padlock was unlocked - confirming that my grandma's words were true. I am maidless... again. Second time this year, and I wept. I cursed. And wept again.
Mr. AKO was not around at that time, still in HK.
Being maidless when u have 3 young boys and a baby is no joke. I am near to collapsing at the end of each day. Sangat memenatkan fizikal dan mental.
Apa lagi yang dapat dikatakan, terpaksa uruskan pengambilan pembantu yang baru. Ia akan memakan masa.
In the meantime, pray for me okay.
Oh and, Happy Ramadhan.
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