Friday, June 26, 2009
Silver & Pink
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Azmir - Nadia Wedding Updated

Next post I will put up more photos of the bride & groom and of course the hantarans!!! Stay tuned peeps.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Keep Fit! Stay Healthy!
Waduh, miss blogging frequently but masa really mencemburui me la this past weeks. Sepatutnya bertolak to Kuantan today but Mr. AKO have multiple appointments today yg tak boleh dicancel atau ditunda, so we will only be departing for Kuantan esok. Teringin nak stay for longer in Kuantan after the kenduri but Mr AKO (again!!) have to depart for JB on Sunday pulak. Aiyoh bosan. What to do, lain kali lah.
Yesterday bawak the brothers to Sunway Pyramid for some new clothes and sandals. Macam nak runtuh kedai baju tu. It was a good thing we went during office hours so tak ada orang ramai. Just us in the kedai, the brothers buat kecoh satu kedai tu dengar suara dorang je. Masuk fitting room macam bergelut dengan buaya nak try baju! Macam ulat bulu tak boleh diam, masuk keluar fitting room ikut the lubang bawah pintu!
Masuk kedai footwear pun gempak, nak colour ni lah, tak nak yang tu lah. Pastu yang nak tak ada saiz lah. Sementara yang sorang try shoes, yang lain pegi main dgn sandals besar kat window display tu lah pulak. Boys ni playful betullah. SANGAT. Dia boleh bergurau tak henti2 sesama sendiri. Mommy pening.Very the pening one. Pastu dorang lapar. Then dorang thirsty. Lepas makan minum, MESTI toilet stop. EVERYtime! Camno?
Mommy makan je lah multivites tu regularly, stay healthy. If not macam mana nak keep up with four superheroes? Err... Pil Binari tu bagus kah untuk kecergasan ;) eh heh...
Yesterday bawak the brothers to Sunway Pyramid for some new clothes and sandals. Macam nak runtuh kedai baju tu. It was a good thing we went during office hours so tak ada orang ramai. Just us in the kedai, the brothers buat kecoh satu kedai tu dengar suara dorang je. Masuk fitting room macam bergelut dengan buaya nak try baju! Macam ulat bulu tak boleh diam, masuk keluar fitting room ikut the lubang bawah pintu!
Masuk kedai footwear pun gempak, nak colour ni lah, tak nak yang tu lah. Pastu yang nak tak ada saiz lah. Sementara yang sorang try shoes, yang lain pegi main dgn sandals besar kat window display tu lah pulak. Boys ni playful betullah. SANGAT. Dia boleh bergurau tak henti2 sesama sendiri. Mommy pening.Very the pening one. Pastu dorang lapar. Then dorang thirsty. Lepas makan minum, MESTI toilet stop. EVERYtime! Camno?
Mommy makan je lah multivites tu regularly, stay healthy. If not macam mana nak keep up with four superheroes? Err... Pil Binari tu bagus kah untuk kecergasan ;) eh heh...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
School Has Commenced, Back To Routine
Hi folks! The children are back to school and life have settled back to its normal fashion, so to speak. The school hols began with a host of activities for the kids for the first 7 days but began to take a different turn after my brother was involved in an accident. For 5 - 6 days it was full with visits to the hospital. We camped at my parents' for a good 3 days. In between all that mom managed to get the house in order for the majlis sambut menantu which will be held next month, my baby sis and I got cracking at the hantarans, manage to get all that good and ready for this weekend at Kuantan.
Didn't quite manage to keep to the plan of going back to Terengganu the second week of the hols due to the circumstances I mentioned in the earlier para. Promised the kids that we will definitely be heading to Aki and Nenek's house in the near future. I think the hubster, more than anyone else in this family, needs to be back on his home soil - for his own sanity :) I know he really miss his hometown. I miss Terengganu too (tempat jatuh cinta lagi dikenang! ha ha ha ha). Yeapp folks, Mr AKO and I met at boarding school in Kerteh when we were 16. You don't believe in high school romance? Believe it now :D
Seriously, we really need to get our asses back in Terengganu! And SOON.
Oh and it's the month of JUNE, people. Time to really showcase our lurve to them daddys! 20th of June is the day. It's the exact date of the kenduri kawin @ Kuantan. Will that be enough as a Father's Day celebration for my dad? Eh heh ;)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Hit & Run
Have not been updating for some time for the following reasons;
My only brother became a victim of a hit & run accident last Friday. He was wearing a half-helmet, and suffered cracked jaws, broken teeth, luka sini sana, kulit terkoyak. Face bruised & swollen badly. He will need to undergo an operation to put braces to realign his jaws. For now, he is on a liquid diet as the doctor dah ikat gigi atas & gigi bawah dia to prevent any more slacking of the jaw area I think. And you all nak tau tak, kenduri kawin dia (belah perempuan) is NEXT WEEK! Sedih I pikir pasal benda ni.
And, I am also still busy with the perpindahan to our new home. Sigh. Banyak yang tak settle lagi. Tolong tolong!
Might not be updating as often. You guys take care ok.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Yippee Yayy, Thank You Ms. Ang
Yesterday was the fifth and last day of the 3D Art and Drama Camp for the kids. They successfully staged a short play 'Little Bear With The Long Tail'. Q was the storyteller, Ammar was the little bear and Adam was the tree!! The instructor/facilitator Ms. Ang was a real gem, being so patient with the kids ;) However, the final presentation I actually missed, as I spent a little bit more time than I expected at the market (my watch terlambat 15 minutes, how that happened, I truly have no idea!). Urgh, when I reached the camp, the show was OVER! Boo hoo hoo, so frustrated, just my luck after watching them practise for the past 4 days I had to miss the real presentation. My bad, sorry kids :(
Ms. Ang with the kiddos at the end of the program.
Ms. Ang giving out certificates to the little participants
Adam happy with his certificate, though he was more excited about the big box of crayons he could take home :)
Next school hols, I am thinking of enrolling them for iCAmp, u guys have any experience with iCamp? Or maybe the program at KLPac? Mr. AKO was suggesting ice-skating training or roller-hockey kinda thing. Tapi bukan ke tu Mr. AKO sendiri boleh ajar, hanya luangkan sedikit masa? Eh Heh, sometimes it's better to outsource these things eh? Not easy teaching our own kids ;)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tudung Mengerlip Tak Hengat, RM10
Oh I baru teringat that I promised to post a pic of my RM10 tudung. Here it is. Memang the border has got quite a thick line of sequins but I'm not shy to wear it (ha ha, tak hengat betul). I have it in soft gray (as shown below) and another in olive green. The material is light and real comfy to wear. Tak panas. No need for pins or brooches pun, just one hairclip to secure it. Boleh la kan, dah tua cam saya ni takyah fussy2 sgt =)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
It's the school hols so I am cracking my brains to find ways to entertain the kids without turning cuckoo. Eh Heh!
Hallooooo people! It's the school holidays again. Boy, I couldn't tell u just how much busier stay-at-home moms such as myself get during the school holidays! If during school days I have them off to school until 2 - 3 pm in the evenings, now I have to mind them myself THE WHOLE DAY. Ha ha ha. Am I scaring you yet? *wink* LOL
It's still early days yet, and so far we had some pretty good times. We had our first visit to Popeyes TTDI. We love the chicken but not the fried seafood (fish & shrimp). I like the biscuits :) I remember Popeyes was once opened in Malaysia when I was a kid, we went there a couple of times. I remembered being sooooo scared of the POPEYES mascot back then. Then, it closed down but now it's back in Malaysia!
RIADAH & PICNIC @ Perdana Lake Gardens
Oh yes we had sooooo much fun at the lake gardens. It was a nice breezy day with no harsh sunlight so we had a successful walk around the park, enjoying the greenery and the exercise. We stopped for a picnic, I packed pasta with creamy mushroom sauce, some bread and cheese and cold water. The kids were happy skipping about while having the snacks.
MONSTERS vs ALIENS in 3D @ Cathay Cineleisure
MOVIE + POPCORN = ENJOYMENT everytime right?
5 days HOLIDAY PROGRAM for the kiddos
Today is the third day of the 5 days holiday program that I enrolled the kids in this time around. They seem to enjoy it. The activities include stortelling, arts & crafts, coloring, role-play, and preparing props for the drama presentation on the last day (this Friday). I am looking forward to that.
Okay then, will update with more activities folks. Stay Tuned ;-D
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