Heya Folks? Wassup wassup y'all? Cemana weekend baru ni? Mesti ramai yang jalan-jalan cari makan ataupun jalan-jalan cari pasal kan. Cari pasal tu shopping la tu ;) My weekend was very relaxing, I wanted a relaxing one because of the hectic 5 days that I had before. So, Saturday pagi Ammar's taekwondo session dah start semula, so I hantar dia and waited at the school with my Mommies Club for about an hourlah sambil tunggu anak memasing.
Back from the session, terus balik rumah. Yang bestnya my In-Laws datang and my MIL masak lunch hari tu. Best best. And then petang, my mom pulak datang bawak kueh-mueh segala for tea. Syok nye kan? Lepas my mom and in-laws balik, I sambung lepak tengok tv, baca magazines, had a looooonggg shower... hehe
The next day tu, Sunday morning I went out for Sunday breakfast kat kedai kopi. Nowadays kan kopitiam ni kira favourite lepak place la kan. Coffee Bean, Starbucks kira pandang sebelah mata je la.. kihkih. Moreover, more varieties of food and drinks are available and also suits most of our taste pallettes kan. So many kopitiams kan available... Old Town, Old Taste, Uncle Lim's, Kluang Station, K3K Benta Kaya, Pak Li Kopitiam just to name a few. But on last Sunday we went to Papparich. Had a nice relaxing brekkie sambil baca sokkabar... and sembang2 ringan ;)

PappaRich Kelana Mall

Hot Cham, Pau, Steamed Hainan Bread with Chicken Curry for me

Nasi Lemak Kari Ayam and soft-boiled eggs for Mr Ako
Cakap pasal kopitiams ni, teringat kat dua kedai kopi iconic kegemaranku yang teramat femes. The first one di Tanjung Malim. Pernah dengar Yik Mun Pau Tg. Malim? I have consumed pau Yik Mun ni dari kecil lagi sebab my late paternal grandma lived there. Kalau we went back to visit her, mesti kitorang akan beli these pau. Masa dulu, kitorang beli kat tepi rel ketapi. But later when ada kedainya, kami ke situ pulak. Rasa pau? Sangat sedap. Pau Kaya, Pau Kacang Merah, Pau Daging, Pau Ayam. Yum.

Selalu menjadi tumpuan orang ramai dari seluruh pelosok negeri/negara.

Maintained its taste but my father biasa la kata 'The quality has gone down'... hmmpphh
The second one, the iconic kedai Kopi Hai Peng @ Kemaman. This is the ORIGINAL Kemaman Kopitiam. My FIL memang asal dari Kemaman, dan dia ke sini sedari muda lagi... Kedai ni bukak tahun 40-an. In fact, my FIL kenal Hai Peng ni. Dulu, the owner roasted the coffee beans and brewed 'em himself. After his passing, kedai ini diterajui anaknya who had studied in Canada. With her captainship, the coffee shop has evolved into a modern kopitiam lah, with an extensive coffee list and food menu. But, they still serve the famous coffee, bread and home-made kaya lah. And of course, Nasi Dagang and other local juadah. I love the Iced Coffee kat situ but if u ask my FIL about it, he's say 'Tak sama macam dulu. Dulu punya yang betul2 KAWW'. Hmmmnnnn..... But for orang ramai..... still very much recommended lah ;)

The shop, first I went was about 15 years ago and of course, it has gone through many changes.

Penuh dengan orang! Everytime masa holiday season/cuti skolah mmg penuh penuh penuh... dengan orang luar... tourists lah kan... masa hari biasa baru locals akan pegi kedai ni... macam my SIL tu lah yg umah dekat jerrr ngan kedai ni.. hehe
So, that's my story on kedai kopi peeps! So.... korang punya feveret yang mana satu pulak? hehe