Saturday, January 9, 2010

Overcrowded, Sweltering Hot, Smelly Toilets but yeah Why Not? Yes to National Schools :)

Heya Folks! I trust that all of you had a tiring week, just like me. Phewwww, what a week indeed. I have 3 schoolgoing boys, with 3 different schools, and all at different times! Hence, that also means 3 sets of different lunch boxes, 3 different types of jangled nerves to soothe, 3 different sets of uniforms and school stuff to sort out, and also all of the chauffering and cooking. That made me a frazzled mommy at the end of every day.

My firstborn is now in Year 3, and is still attending the same school that he goes last year so that routine is established. The only thing is that his school is in KL, so there's the distance thing but mostly my hubster takes care of his transportation. Whereas my second and third sons go to a new school this year, and that makes it a little 'laborious' for me. Heh heh. Ok, my third son who goes to a new kindy adapted so well on his first day that hubster and I was waved goodbye as soon as he was settled in his seat by his new teacher. It was like, smile smile and bye-bye Mommy Daddy. Ooooooook.

But my second son who just recently started 'real school' was altogether different. No no, he did not cry or wail or run off from class or anything that dramatic, but I had to drive him to school, walked him to the hall so that he could find his class queue and get in line with the rest of his classmates, and wait until he went off to class. Then, I balik rumah. But, recess time I had to be in the canteen. Teach him how to buy food and drinks and also where to go to wash his hands and where to put the empty plates and where to throw rubbish bla bla. Then, I balik rumah again. Lepas tu, I had to go back to the school to pick him up. Had to come early, get a parking space (banyaknya kereta mak bapak, macam pesta Pulau Pinang) and wait for him at an exact spot in the school compound so that he can easily find me. NO, don't get me wrong. He is not a sissypot pampered child that I had to protect him like a Momzilla. It is because of the HUGE number of primary ones attending the school. 10 classes! And each class with about 40-45 students! Altogether close to 450 children fresh out of Kindergarten for goodness sake! On the first day tu, ada la jugak kejadian tak jumpa/tak nampak anak (yelah, 450 kiddies with uniformed outfits surging out of the classes at the same time... and kiddies yang tak tau arah pulak tu) Yes, the teachers bawak their respective classes in neat lines sampai foyer tapi bila dah sampai foyer tu.... tak ke kelam kabut bebudak tu..and mak bapak budak gak. RAMAI okeh. I myself tak jumpa cari my boy and panic gila for 5 whole minutes! Adoi laaaaa... And this routine of going to and fro kat sekolah dia 3 times a day went on for 5 days ok.

Ok ok, panjangnya I membebel pasal tu kan. Aaaaaaaanyway, after 5 days nampak dah ok. So next week lega a bit lah. I hope. hehe. Lega sikit dah sekarang ni pun sebenarnya so that I can resume blogging lah ;) Oh oh forgot to mention, ada terjumpa school mates lama I from Subang Jaya yang also hantar anak Primary I kat sini sama-sama. So ada episod jejak kasih gak la.. hikss

Just a few pics to remember the week by......

Primary 1 dah my bam-bam.

His classroom

And this kiddo goes to new kindy. Alhamdulillah, he enjoys it.

With his classmates on the first day.

Only a week and he is already so fond of his teacher Patricia (not in pic, sorry).
Ok, will update more later peeps =))
Have a good weekend yeah...


zarin said...

memang hectic kan!i yang 1 anak baru pegi kindie pun macam haper je mengah::
hihi mommy yg hover hokay!
u lagi lah w 3 kids..ok..hope everything will b back to normal nxt week ;)

fizamior said...

tp u mmg supermummy la kak...tabik u lah!tp mmg semua akan nampak sama la if dah pakai uniform tu kan?kan?hehehehehehehe.......

Anonymous said...

wow, what a week, he!he!
my son pun YR 3 thn ni. i ambik cuti 1st day je lah coz nak make sure transportation dia ok.
anyway, keep on blogging, ya.

sisdee said...

huhu..i baru satu yg skolah this year..mcm2 dah smpai low blood pressure heheheh...baru sorg tau le u camne nk tu le kan..wanita ada kkuatan yg mungkin lelaki tak leh tanding :)

tp tu le kebahagiaan kita kan..tuk anak2..:D

Anonymous said...

mmg minggu ni amat mencabar. has br sorang sekolah...

Shariz said...

what a hectic day ! Penat kan nak uruskan anak ...shariz pernah alami yg sama masa Adam Std 1 dulu...mcm tu 3 kali sehari pergi tgk dia...hehehe....risau ada dan excited pun ada...hehe

Dah besar dah anak2 kita kan ? :)

superheroes' mom said...

zarin... i feel your sweat sista! fuhhh... mmg lotih gilos kan this week... kalu anak sorang pun mmg terasa penangan first week of school in a new year ni...
but we survived kan? yahoo ;p

Lady of Leisure said...

hehe.. bz ey.. no wonder long time no c u..tapi bila anak mula masuk sekolah mmg bz kan.. weekend ni boleh la rest skit...
have a nice day..

superheroes' mom said...

fizamior... ya ampunss... mmg nmpk samaaaaaaa jek dik non! rasa cam twilight zone jek

superheroes' mom said...

anon.... siapa kah geranganmu ye .. hehe... ok sis... now dah lega balik i will resume blogging with penuh semangat.. kekeke

superheroes' mom said...

sisdee... betul tu sis, GIRL POWER! hehe... kita as mothers ni , mmg anak2 lah jiwa raga kita kan...

superheroes' mom said...

has, sorang pun mmg akan terasa bahang first week of school ni kan... aduh la.. tapi takpe, kita berjaya mengharunginya. InsyaAllah anak2 kita betambah berdikari pasni :)

superheroes' mom said...

shariz... hehe, u pun sama ye pegi sampai 3 kali.. penat betul rasa kan

superheroes' mom said...

ladyleisure... yes la dear. sebab tu la sampai tak sempat nak jenguk blog :)rindu ngan kawan2 semua. ni sekarang tengah catching up with what's happening ngan u all :))

LiAnA said...

wowww patut dh lama tak dengar berita supermoms ni.. rupanya bz dengan litle heroes yer.. bila bz mcm ni rasa macam tak cukup 24hrs tu kan..hihi

superheroes' mom said...

supermom liana? ish... tak layak dapat gelaran tu..... ;)
mmg rasa busy betl minggu ni.. harap next week ni aman sikit....


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