Last week attended another wedding. This one was in Shah Alam. I wanted to wear my black and red modern kurung that I wore to my BIL's wedding (bride's side) last year yang kat Alor Setar tu. But what do you know, dah longgar :) nampak serebeh bila I pakai. So I decided to wear another modern kurung, still baju lama but cutting kecik sikit dari yang black and red tu. And what do you know, also longgar but ok la. Dulu I pakai agak ngam-ngam hampir ketat gitu. Heh heh. I dah turun 3.5kg yo! But most important my BMI juga turun and also my fat percentage :) So I know that I am not simply losing water and muscle kan. Alhamdulillah! Still a long way to go before I reach my ideal weight but kira this is as my pembakar semangat lah tu meneruskan perjuangan :) Maybe dari pandangan mata kasar tak nampak sangat my perubahan kan, as I am short, so losing 3.5 kg ni maybe tak nampak sangat la lagi. But as long as I know it, I'm happy. I know that my digital weighing scale don't lie. heh heh.
Wore old baju but with new tudung. 'Naked Look', malas nak mekap, just sunblock and gloss.
panas2 ni rimas nak berfoundation etc etc. Berlengas!
Oh yes, tuan rumah juga merupakan seorang pengkarya seni tersohor. So his house is not only a house but is also a gallery and also where his studio is located. So my boys really enjoyed the artwork displayed there and sibuk pilih which ones are their favorites.
alahh u tak mekap pun dh cunzz...
ctknya weeding tu.. simple tp nampak classy
Cun apa la sangat dear, dah tua hahaha :) ha'ah, wedding tu mmg sedap mata memandang. Beautiful in it's simplicity...
cantik la u..even with ur "naked look" tu...suka tengok..and i pun suka picture u w ur 3rd son tu...match plak ngan painting tu :)
really gorjes even without makeup lah u. Wedding tu pun simple n nice kan walopon 2 keping gambar je u tepek kat sini.
nice pic
zarin, thanks dear.. i pulak sebenarnya suka tengok u sbb u natural beauty and so slim like anak dara okeh :)
MommyCT, skang malas nak mekap lebey lebey, rasa cam rimas.
i amik pic dua aje, satu sebab segan la jugak kan. dua, sebab dia takde pelamin pun apa pun yg nak diamik gambor :) lagipun gallery dia best sgt!
crazybeautiful, thanks dear :)
agreeeeeee.... u tak make up pun dah cantik la dear.. seriously...
ladyleisure, thanks darl :)
cantik nya hiasan dorang.
U pun cantik. Hehe
KV, thanks dear. Malu plak I ahaks =)
no make up but still looking hot & goegeous!!! wow!!!! ur hubby is sooooo lucky... :))
i am hot and gorgeous? wow!! *di awang-awangan* hahaha.... thanks fizamior :) ooohhhhh, i hope my hubby reads ur comment :)))
nice modern touch. the house looks lovely!!! you lost 3.5kg??Wow, well done!!!
wow, no make-up yet looks so gorjes.
ppssttt....the diet menu care to share? i can try to shed some kilos...heheh :D
wow...cantik sangat all the deco etc at hte wedding..the house pun superb. memang lawa lah architecture dia.
bestnya attend wedding camtu, it's been too long since i attended a house wedding. huhu
eti, yup...i hv lost nearly 4 kg..... heheh...I'm so happy :)
esh, thanks sweets... i will share the diet secret after the 28th days InsyaAllah :)
drama mama, house weddings are the best!! i prefer it to hotel receptions, coz more cosy and merry! and ppl are more at ease during house weddings and so are generally more jovial thus
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