Good Sunday Morning to all my beautiful readers! A glorious morning it is indeed! I am enjoying my morning as early as 6am. I just sat on my garden bench and enjoyed the fresh cool and crisp morning air with my lappy on. What are you having for breakfast? My hubster is not around, so I guess I will take my boys out myself for Sunday Breakfast.
My loyal readers would know that I have been on a 28 structured diet program. It was successful! After 28 days, I shed 4.2 kg! Which was a healthy amount to lose in a month. When I mention DIET, many would automatically think of limited amount of food taken, hunger pangs, near starvation, suffering and the likes. Well, let me clear this once and for all, I did not suffer from hunger pangs and near starvation at all during my 28 days! U know why? Because I have not been depriving myself from eating, I DO EAT! 3 meals a day! With snacks in between!
How was this possible? Dearies, it's not really a matter of how much you are eating, more to the question of WHAT you are eating! It should really be the little changes that you should make. Little changes that will result in a LOT!
First Step: Change Whitebread to Wholemeal or Multigrain ones. There are many many varieties out there in the market. There are Wholemeal Pitta Breads, Wholemeal Tortilla Wraps, Multiseed Rolls, Low G.I Bread... owhhh many many more that u could choose from! And when eating eggs, discard the yellow yolks! Take only the whites. I usually have egg whites from 2 or 3 eggs, oh yes verrrrryyy filling indeed! I love making 'roti coteq' (refer above pic). Just eggwhites and wholemeal breads with a little olive oil. Yummss!
Second Step: Eat more Fruits & Vegetables!! I snack on fruits whenever I feel like nibbling something! And drink loads of H20. Drink fruit juices on a daily basis. Fresh squeezed/blended ones are better. But store-bought ones are also good, just choose the ones with less sugar and preservatives yea. Waaayyyyy better than drinking cordial drinks, teh tariks or that sweet sweet tea. And I substitute milk with SOYA MILK. Unsweetened ones are better. Good for skin also, soya ;-) That means any soy-based food are great for us. I love tauhu/tofu, and have them in my vegetable soup all the time. Great source of protein and high in calcium.
Third Step: Owh I know we ladies can't resist chocolates! Even the ones not so fond of chocolates will crave for some nearing menstruation period. Right? I eat loads of chocolate. Seriously! But only Dark Chocolates! Hey, don't judge or dismiss them yet. They are yummy. Sooooo many varieties in the market now. Lindt, Cadbury, Bournville, Beryl etc etc.... Soooooooo Gooooood!! And who says you can't have strawberries dipped in chocolate? U can still, but use dark chocs yea :) I eat dark chocs nearly every day, as they are a powerful source of antioxidant.
Fourth Step: Up your fibre intake with Oatmeal! Yummy with fruits, and you can also put bits of chicken, fish (ikan bilis also can!) if u prefer a savoury taste to your oats. A dash of salt and pepper is good too! Oatmeal is good for your heart, u love your heart right?
Fifth Step: Avoid red meat (beef, lamb, veal, mutton), or eat them sparingly. Eat once or twice a month only. Do you know meat takes 2 WEEKS to fully digest in your tummy? Eat FISH instead! And be mindful of the way you cook it yea! Grilling, Steaming should be the way. Or pan-fry with a little olive oil. Salmon, Tilapia and the humble Catfish are all high in Omega 3 and GLA. Good for brains, good for skin. And see those tomatoes? Very very good for that rosy glow in your cheeks, so eat lots of them yea. Cherry Tomatoes are my favourite! In that little bowls are blueberries and raspberries..yums.
That's me on my 26th day of the 28 Days Program. My skin was brighter and clearer. My clothes fit better too. I was free from migraine for the whole duration of the 28 days! Alhamdulillah! Usually, I would always get headaches but now, nope :)
And below, a pic of me after day 28. Who can mistake that rosy glow from my cheeks? (this is not bragging ya, just to show you what u can get if u eat right. IF u think I am posting this entry to brag or show off or 'riak' etc, it's up to you. I can never get along with people who have NEGATIVE vibes anyway). I was NOT wearing any foundation, or any powders of any kind in both pics ya. And I had cake too that day, to celebrate my success in the 28 days :) I have had a whole lot of support form my hubby and also my friends, and also from you, dear readers of this blog. For that, THANK YOU. If I could do it, SO CAN YOU.
So you see, it's just the matter of changing your EATING HABIT. Choose what you eat, and how u eat it. Cooking method should mostly be grill, roast, boil, steam or pan-fry not DEEP FRY yea. You can do it, change your eating habit. WE can do it, for a healthier US. And you will see it will have such a positive impact on your life.
I am still on my journey to reach my ideal weight, InsyaAllah. But, am happy that by changing my eating habits, I not only look better and feel better but I am indirectly influencing my kids and hubby to eat healthier too. And for that, my friends, I feel STRONG!