Sunday, June 1, 2008

Welcome to the world, my little Azan.

The auspicious 21st of May 2008 was celebrated with tears of joy and gratefulness to the AlMighty. So perfect is the gift from Allah bestowed upon us. Our fourth son Azan Nazruddin was borned at 7.29 in the morning weighing 2.97 kg. The minute Daddy cut the cord, there ended his link with the placenta which was his home for the past 9 months.

For a being so tiny, his voice rang loud and true the moment he entered the world. Syukran Syukran!

It was the first time ever that hubby and myself spent the night in the labour ward. We were there from about 11 pm. It was also the first time I went for an induced labour as I had 'hypertension' at the end of my pregnancy, thus I was advised to deliver on the 38th week. All in all, it went on fine.

A thousand thanks to my other half, for once again being with me through it all. I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for all your love and patience and support and understanding. Love you with all my heart.

To my darling precious BabyAzan, mummy loves you... Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh... Amiin

Here are some pics taken in the first hour of Azan's birth, enjoy...

Azan in Daddy's arms, Mummy looking exhausted in the background. Puffy eyes, generally swollen looking as he had just travelled thru the birth canal successfully! Clever Azan! The white greasy substance covering him is called 'vernix', a natural protective barrier against minor skin infections. However, it is cleaned off once they are sent to the hospital nursery.

Half an hour after being borned, look at Azan - he opened his eyes for Mummy! Very young babies don't shed tears, do u know? It usually takes abt 4 -5 months for a baby to produce them.

Hmmnnn... listening to Mummy's familiar heartbeat. The bumpy swollen shape of the head and the puffy eyes are just the result of the natural pressure during birth. It goes down after a couple of days.

Okay Peps, Till Next Time! See Ya'


Ahmad Khairo said...

looks like mummy is back in the cyber world!!!!!! he yah.. ngok punye blogspot, ada ke diaorg buang tulisan tulisan yang berjela jela hari tu...!!

Faridah Zulkiflie said...

oh yeah, once again... thanks for delivering my baby for me... god bless you lah!

superheroes' mom said...

ahmad khairo: ya lorr, so sedih my superheroes & mom blog been removed. i have requested to blogger to hv it unlocked thrice already. still nothing. i'm afraid its gone forever.

echo machine: tee hee hee.. u better give me girls girls girls then when its your turn!!!

Faridah Zulkiflie said...

ZOMG!! If ever la my turn comes. Huhuhu...


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