I love cooking using my Zebra pots and pans. It's bottom is thick and so the heat is even and cooks better retaining the taste of produce. Also, it's easy to clean and no Teflon layer, not easily scratched kan. Anyway, it's price is affordable too. Great for daily cooking. In short, it's good enough for me lah :-)

Made Soy & Spice Chicken today.

And Pomfret Assam Pedas with loadsa Veggies.
All using my range of Zebra cooking ware.

Luv ya Zebra :-p
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
They are good eh kak?thanks for the tips...=)
Hello SHM, ive been your silent reader..sangat teruja tgk your masakan..especially the soy&spice chicken..
Suraya, anytime dear... ;)
Bee Tle, thank u dear... y don't u try...
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