With my iPhone, I was connected and online 24/7...whoaaahhh.... Live updates are so easy peasy with BlogPress and FB-ing is a breeze. Anywhere, Anytime.... Oh my, I hope I don't sound too geeky lah when saying all this!

Update jangan tak update, I was constantly connected with all of you and I read all my favourite blogs without fail

See See? Same as the rest of the iPhone and BBc freakos kan... hah hah..Inikah yang dinamakan teknologi? huhuhu

Keeping one eye on my boys and the other eye for eff bee and belogging ;) Azfar Q can swim but Daddy insisted on the floaties jugak. I pun paranoia jugak as I did not go in the pool with them this time around.

Awwww mommy, pay attention to meeeeee, don't keep your nose in your iPhone jeee... The pool sangat bersih dan yang paling penting tak ada orang.... so can play in peace

Main kat kiddy pool pun Mommy soh pakai arm floats.... ish ish ish... Check out my littlest chickadee.... all excited but he was in the waters only for less than 10 minutes... even then lepas tu dia batuk and selsema kesian dia... Kesian dia mengamuk nak main air lagi.. but cannot la baby ok... cepat2 bibik bawak dia naik atas bilas distract dengan main toys lain...

Later in the day, brought the boys to the play area at Pantai Batu Burok... Nice as u can walk along the beach and have some jagung bakar or keropok lekor. Seronok juga boleh kite-flying dengan hebatnya kerana angin kuat. The boys busy main, mommy dia busy makan potato crisps..hehehe

Next we went a bit further tapi tak jauh mana to the Kuala Ibai area. Kat situlah ada Floating Mosque. Cantik kan. Opposite mosque ni kan across the road, kalau malam-malam ada tempat makan best. Ada jual semua yang patut dimakan jika ke sini... Nasi Dagang, Nasi Minyak, Nasi Kunyit, Laksam, Laksa Terengganu, Pulut Nyior Ikan Masin...., nanti I upload gambar next post ok

Boys and grandpa enjoying nature and surroundings... Q bersandar kat pokok tu kan, lepas tu kena hurung kerengga...hehehe... tapi ada sekor dua saja... Mommy halau kerengga tu jauh jauh dah, Q sikit lagi nak bertempik...kelakar je...

Lepas jalan-jalam laparlah pulak, hmmnnn... makan apa tau? Kway Teow goreng basah.... hmmnnnn... selalu if Kway teow goreng kering kan..... tapi sedap jugak... dia letak udang bnyak tu yang best tu.. Nak tau makan ni kat mana?

He he, Mydin Mall Kuala Terengganu! Kat food court dia, best tau Mydin Mall KT ni. Tak caya? Cuba pegi, happening ramai betul orang. Kat area Bukit Besar and right smack next to Terengganu Trade Centre where M2k event took place. And next to TTC ada Giant Hypermarket yang agak sunyi because semua orang prefer pergi Mydin. Hebat kan. Jihad ekonomi juga tu, betul tak? Betapa terujanya saya ke Mydin Mall KT ini, sehinga saya terjebak membeli baju 6 helai...Eh takkan bila beli baju kat Promod Dorothy Perkins Zara MnG Massimo Dutti je nak bagitau kan... Kalau beli kat Mydin pun bagitaulah jugak kan? hehehe... Best lah, harga patut ;)) Tu nasib baik tak beli tudung, banyak tudung cantik kat bazaar rakyat kat sini...
Tu belum cerita Pasar Payang lagi tu... hmmnnn best kan Tranung!