Been toying around with the idea of a new stroller for BabyAzan. Been using Ammar's 5 year old stroller for the past 6 months, time to put it to rest after 5 years of hard service. The front wheels have gone cranky so it is perfectly justifiable to get a new one. *cough cough*
After buying 3 strollers in the past (2 Combi and 1 MacLaren), I wanted to try a different brand. It has to be of good quality as it will be carrying 'precious cargo' plus it will be put to use for at least 4 years. It has to be light but sturdy, must be easily portable, needs to be easily opened and closed and also, pleasing to the eye and manouvres easily. Hmmmnnnnn.......
I like the Silver Cross Dazzle. But which colour?

PUMPKIN maybe?
so sesuai... azan also macam pumpkin what... wheee....!!!
kan? comel kan? love pumpkin 1 and 2 =)
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