Wednesday, December 30, 2009
3 Very Comfy Shoes
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thank U Honeylanz! Muahs!
I Got The Invite!
Time : 10am till 2pm
Venue : Kizsports & Gym, 1 Utama (Old Wing)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Purple Wedding…. oh plus a little PINK of coz
The Majlis Sambut Menantu was held on Christmas day @ my In-Law’s place in Dungun, Terengganu. We were blessed with a clear and breezy day but a slight drizzle occured exactly when the pengantin arrived after Friday prayers :) But it was only a little drizzle which only lasted not more than half an hour so it was allright. What’s a December wedding in Terengganu without a little rain kan?
The theme was furfle karer / purple so it was purple this and purple that and all of us were clad in varying tones of purple BUT…………the pengantin wore PINK! It was a nice touch though, so they stood out la kan from a sea of purple.
That’s me with my MIL. She’s very petite, all her children tower over her. Oh and a pic of me and my FIL. He’s TALL, so that’s why I insisted on a pic of me standing and he sitting. If not, I would look so ketot la kan. Like my baju? He he, that’s batik sutera Terengganu. Cheh, promo la sikit batik Terengganu kan. I beli kat Pasar Payang. Kalau gi sana, mabuk kepayang le jawabnyer.
This one over here is my hubby’s younger sister. She and her husband runs a pharmacy in Kemaman. That’s a wedding guest book she’s holding. The guests could write in some kata2 manis/nasihat la for the pengantin and sign in their names. This concept is quite unusual for a Malay wedding kan, but common in western style weddings. In my opinion, it’s nice so that we can keep it forever as a momento from our wedding day. Sitting on the swing is my youngest sis and my eldest son. Notice the hot pink paint on the house? My FIL chose the colour and painted it himself! Cool lah he chose hot pink!
On the right are wedding favors, for the guests of course, purple naturally in accordance to the furfle theme. Next is a pic of my youngest and his cousin sleeping soundly in the midst of the fanfare and festivity :) OOwwwwhhhhh, I envy them la, tido sedap atas tilam and bantal kekabu… Bliss
Here, my biras and me. We were both the payung-bearers of the day. She is a solicitor, practising in Kemaman. Her son la yang tidur dalam gambar with my youngest tadi tu :) Next is a pic of us tengah tunggu pasangan mempelai sampai. Mommy pegang payung, the boys pegang bunga manggar okeh =)
Yeayyyyyy, they are finally here!!! Gawd, me the si katik had to payungkan my BIL who is nearly 6 feet tall so Help Me!!! Next pic of my MIL welcoming the new family…
Meja Makan Beradab and the Wedding Dais. Cantik tak bunga pahar tu? hehe. Cepat cakap cantik sebab I yang beli (bukan buat) hehe..
Harus ada gambar of me and my camwhoring partner, my sis! Oh the buah nampak sangat kiut..
Pink Pengantin! Aloooo, ni lah yang orang maksudkan Bagai Pinang Dibelah Dua, sama padan kan… tapi baju dorang pakai tu cantik kan?? Cepat cakap cantik sebab I yang pilihkan.hahaha. Wedding dress ni dijahit sendiri oleh bonda pengantin perempuan tau, veil tu pun sama. Ha, tudung glamer tu the bride made herself. Cantik kan, lepas ni nak tanya dia ada ambik tempahan tak? kikiki. Doktor pandai jahit tudung, boleh bukak side business ;p
Majlis Menyambut Menantu went well without any glitches. The food catered was excellent as well. And psssttttt, sweet kan make-up pengantin tu? By RedGlow tau. You all pernah kan baca pasal RedGlow kat blog RedMummy? Haaa, this one done by Siti from their branch di Dungun :)
Selesai sudah kerja kahwin kedua-dua pihak. Alhamdulillah. Wedding sapa lak lepas ni hmmnnnn???
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Cone Pizza, The Strand KD
Pizza Ice-Cream my boys call it :) Tastewise, well biasa aje. The shape is the selling point. About 6 inches long. Makan satu dah rasa kenyang to me. Price, about RM10 per cone. Can choose from a variety of toppings. Nothing out of the ordinary though.
They have other types of food other than pizza. We ordered a salad and a pasta dish.
Salad with Italian dressing. Errrmm, nothing special as the main attraction is the Cone Pizza.
The pasta. The serving is really quite small.
Interior is pleasant enough though. Service, hmmnn so-so but they were very eager to serve :)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
At Taman Sri Manis, where it continued...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
All Candy Floss & Bubble Gum
Esok dah kenduri di Dungun pula, belah pengantin lelaki (my hubby's younger bro). Will be there till Sunday rasanya. So that' my story mory why I was off blogging. Miss u all, will b back soon ok. Muahssss.... Hehe

Adriana Nageena a.k.a Baby Twinkle :)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
At Al-Guffran...Where It Happened