Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vote for BA05

I like reading glossy magazines. From reading Seventeen mags when I was a teenager to Vogue, Cosmopolitan when I was in college and my favourite when I was studying in the UK was Glamour. Now, I don't blow my money on these mags anymore, the price in Malaysia is exorbitant! I have to say my fav now is Malaysian Women's Weekly. And whaddyaknow, my friend Elaine is in the running for a contest and she is in the December issue! Have you got a copy? If you do, vote for BA05. If you don't purchase the mag pun still boleh vote if u want :) U could win L'oreal products! Just sms, so easy.

Oh yes she is a beauty of Indian-Chinese descent. She looks waaayyyy younger than her years, even more so in real life! And, I really really admire her discipline when it comes to eating! She is a vegetarian, and memang she ONLY eat healthy food! No oily cholesterol laden food, no meat. Loads of veggies, legumes, fruits. Sigh, if only I can be as disciplined as her.

Vote for her ok, as I really think she deserves to win.


Shariz said...

Hai. ni Shariz. Thank you follow my blog :)

m@ said...

hai..salam add ure link ya:)

LiAnA said...

vegetarian person ni kulit cantikk taw.. my fren chinese mmg vegeterian.. kulit dia wallaaa.. dlm handbag kita siap ada coklat lah..gula2 ect.. tp handbag dia ada mineral water & apple.. displin kena tinggi.. dpt kat i mmg ting tong le kekeke

Lady of Leisure said...

wow.. pemakanan dia sangat bagus kan.. terserlah pada luaran...

i ada tanya something kat u pasal usana in comment box in yr last entry..
hope u can enlighten me on that..

dikwi said...

shariz, terima kasih kembali :)

superheroes' mom said...

m@, thanks for linking me :)

superheroes' mom said...

liana, tu lah orang kata kalau makin meningkat umur.. nka maintain, kena keje keras sikit. usaha lebih. nak2 yg dah nak mid-thirties cam I ni ha.... tapi nak disiplinkan diri tu kiat betul kan.... xpe, sama2 kita cuba jaga pemakanan :)

superheroes' mom said...

ladyleisure, i dah jawab comment kat previous post. all the best tau. InsyaAllah boleh berjaya :)

fizamior said...

hye there superheroes mom!
ok 1st of all i would like to thank u for following my blog.. secondly, whoaaaa!!! cant believe my eyes yg u actually have 4 superheroes!!! & looking so fab & gorgeous baby.. awesome!!! u r truly a super momma!!!
:D (harus mintak tips nih..hehehehe...)oh and i pon dh penah mkn kat belanga tu.. i ate nasi kerabu & laksa & ape lagi ntah la tak ingat..hehehehe..not bad food dia...

dikwi said...

fizamior, thanks to you too for visiting my humble blog :)i sendiri pun sometimes tak percaya yang i ada 4 heroes... alhamdulillah, walaupun lelah kekadang dibuatnya. but they keep me on my toes dan sihat ceria bertenaga..hehehe

superheroes' mom said...

che'puanIdot, best kan magazine tu? ya lah lagipun mag tu tak sampai rm6 so berbaloi baloi la beli... hehe... true true mmg susah lah nak jaga pemakanan sampai cenggitu sekali kan, not everyone can do it. kita buat sikit2 pun jadilah ;)

sisdee said...

i pun selalu beli womens weekly nie heheheh

wah bagusnya klu bole makan sayur jek..huhuhu i ni amat le pmls esp sayur ijau ...yg lain2 leh telan g hahahahahah

superheroes' mom said...

sisdee, tu lah memang respek kat sorang ni. I pulak suka sangat makan sayur tapi kena la ada nasik, ayam, ikan,udang sotong, ketam sama... kekekekekke


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